Quesadillas is one of the most famous mexican food which is prepared from tortillas having cheese as its main stuffing ingredient. The tortillas when folded with a stuffing in between is called Quesadillas
- 10 uncooked tortillas (available in supermarkets or can be made as following tortilla recipe)
- 2 cups grated Cheese
- 1 tablespoon cooking oil
- Heat up a skillet and lightly grease them with oil.
- Cook the tortilla on both sides on low heat for 20-25 seconds
- Put a spoon full of grated cheese in between of the tortilla and fold the tortilla into half.
- Over medium heat cook tortilla by turning on both sides till the cheese melts.
- Quesadillas is ready. Serve it on a plate with tomato sauce, or red or green salsa and chopped onions. You can also cut it into further half for decorative purpose.
- Repeat it for all the tortillas.
- It can be also prepared by Deep frying tortillas, and the variant is called quesadillas fritas.
- This is a typical mexican recipe. Quesadillas are also famous in US.
- There are variants of Quesadillas where different stuffing ingredients are tried such as melted cheese, shredded meat, peppers, onions etc
- Sometimes, cheese and ham are sandwiched between two flour tortillas, then cut into wedges to serve what is commonly known as sincronizada. The sincronizada is frequently confused with quesadillas
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